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Site questions and suggestions?

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted:     Post subject: Site questions and suggestions?
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While we are still primarily focused on adding new features, we would like to begin compiling requests for changes to the site. Specifically, we'd like feedback on areas that people feel are confusing or difficult to navigate.

Comments about overall design and layout would also be appreciated...but please don't just say it sucks.

Instead, say it sucks, because ...with recommendations on what you'd like changed.

And if you refer to other sites, please be specific about what it is you like about them.


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Posted:     Post subject: the future of Passions...?

the following was pasted from an e-mail sent from Passions Network Customer Service:

"Thanks for your message.

We like your ideas, but you are right about the 100% free thing. We
plan on keeping everything free, so the upgrade concept won't really work
for us.

We've had requests for 'who viewed my profile' before, and we may add
that down the road.

The idea of allowing members to post in other member's profiles, like
on MySpace, is something we've been thinking seriously about for some
time now.

The problem with most MySpace posts though, are that they are soooooo
boring. 'Thanks for the add'. 'Hey, thanks for adding me.' 'Cute photos,
add some more.'

Blah, blah, blah.

We might just turn on the feature and let people do that kind of thing
here if they want, but we were thinking of doing something like it but
a little different...where we let members post a question they create,
and other members can post answers on that member's profile. Or maybe,
we'll let members add polls into their own profile pages, that are
specific to them.

We're not sure when we'll get to this feature though, because we're
still adding to the new blog system.

And after that, we're going to work on a 'library'...where members can
all list their books, and hopefully it'll be a place where members can
find cool goth literature that they might not have been aware of.

And once the library is in place, we'll be able to tweak it to set up a
music section and a video section too. That way people can recommend
cool bands and movies to one another.

We'd LOVE to have streaming music on the site, but we just don't
understand the liability issues of streaming music. We can't figure out how
MySpace gets away with it...but it is something we'd like to do down the

We're also in the early stages of setting up a video profile feature.

Basically, we've got tons of ideas, and not enough time to do them
all...but we love it when members send us ideas. It might not be something
we can do, but it helps us think through what might be of interest.

Anyway, thanks again, and we plan on making the site a hundred times
better than it is now, so if you like it already, you're going to love it
when we're finished with it (if we ever finish).

Customer Service"

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